What Does It Mean To Maintain Quality in SEO Content Throughout 2019?

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By safikul

In search engine optimization, you would notice how everything comes down to content. Maintaining the quality of your content is the key to getting search engine rankings. However, quality is not just how good the content is. In SEO, how well you communicate with search engines and readers is equally important. Web content quality has its own factors and if you wish to achieve better rankings by maintaining quality, you need to first understand the various factors that account for quality in search engines. Here is a list for your assistance.


In SEO, when people copy content from a website and publish it on their own while taking the ownership for it, it is known as plagiarism. Must perform a plagiarism test while writing SEO content. Copying the content is a highly unethical practice and its consequences are not pretty. It is a content creator’s legal right to sue anyone who is copying his or her content. This means that if your content is plagiarized, your website can be brought down. Plagiarism also affects your search engine rankings. You don’t want to be ranked lower for petty reasons. If you want to make sure that there is no plagiarism in your content whatsoever, use a plagiarism checker tool. It is available online for free. You need to use it before publishing every blog post because plagiarism is not always an intentional act in SEO.


Good quality content begins with great and in- depth research. If you know a lot about the topic you are writing about, it will show in your content. Likewise, you will end up giving references to back your ideas. There is a great way to improve your content quality. When readers read such content, they are most likely to be impressed by it. This means that your content will be shared amongst friends and social media which is a major ranking factor today. In order to make sure that you remain up to date with the knowledge in your niche, you can read blogs that are writing on similar topics and keep revisiting them to update your knowledge.


Grammar is a strong indication for the writer’s credibility. This means that when you have flawless grammar in your content, it goes on to showing that the writer has a strong linguistic background. Also, when content has grammatical errors, it means that much effort was not put into making sure that quality of content is maintained. No proofreader was hired or a check was kept before the content was published. Overall, a bad grammar leaves a bad impression. In order to make sure that the grammar in your content remains flawless, you can make use of an online grammar checker tool. Before you publish your blogs, run them through grammar checker tools to make sure that your content has quality.


It is not just the grammar of your content that makes up for how the content is delivered linguistically to your readers. There are other structural factors that come into account. You can take the example of sentence length. It is recommended that you keep your sentences short and sweet. Longer sentences are not only difficult to comprehend but also difficult to keep a track of. It is recommended that most of the sentences that you write should be in active voice. Likewise, the content should be divided in paragraphs and no paragraph should be too long. You can add subheadings to further ensure readability.

There is a content factor to readability as well. This means that of course you have a target audience in mind when you are writing a blog. If you are writing about a medical disease, you may be writing about it for a medical blog whose majority of audience are medical doctors or you could be writing about a blog aimed at informing the general public about common diseases. Now depending on the target audience in mind, you should pick your words and how you format that content. Age is another factor in your audience. Make sure that you are writing at a level that your readers can match.

If you want to make sure that your content has quality in terms of readability, you can use an online readability checker. It is available for free and you can use it before publishing every blog.

Non- text content

Today, web content is not limited to just text. If you want to truly make an impression to your readers, you will be required to incorporate the use of graphic content. This could mean using GIFs, images and video content. A general thumb of rule is to use one graphic piece of content after each paragraph. Make sure that the content that you are adding to your text content adds further context and it does not look out of the way. It should be all in a fine line. You can use Google to find images. However, make sure that you are giving proper credits to the platform you are taking this content from. You don’t want to be stealing from anyone. Reverse image search is another feature by Google that you can use when adding images in your blog. If you have any image in your computer that you want to find similar images to, reverse image search will help you find images by images.


Without the use of proper keywords, there is only a low chance of your content to be visible on search engines. This means that you need to deliberately incorporate keywords in your content. However, don’t do it way too much. A keyword density of 2- 3 percent is considered optimum by experts. A keyword density higher than this could indicate spam content. Likewise, a low keyword density does not even show up in search engine results. A keyword density checker tool can be used to calculate the keyword density in a blog post. You can also look up the terms that are frequently searched on Google to make sure that you only use keywords that have a demand on search engines.

About safikul

Safikul Islam is a professional Software Engineer with vast experience in research and development field. Presently, He Works for eLiveStory. He also has a strong passion for writing creative blogs and articles about fashion, new technology,Jewelry and following the latest trends in these areas.

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