How to Prevent Typhoid and Its Onset?

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Typhoid is an infectious disease that spreads through salmonella which can be found in contaminated water or food. When this onset, the patient suffers from fever and watery diarrhea, this can cause extreme loss of fluid from the body and severe dehydration. This disease can be fatal, but to prevent this, you have to check commercial RO systems price list and get a water purifier. This will reduce the risk of cholera in a huge way.

This disease is caused by a bacteria called, Salmonella enterica Serotype Typhi and if the case gets severe then, it can end up in death. This disease was prevalent in so many countries but in some, at least in the United States, it has been prevented by well-developed sanitary systems and purified water and food. Then again, this disease is still an issue in the developing countries, mainly because of the water and food items, that is highly polluted. Vaccines are there to prevent the onset in recent days, and here, we have covered the matter for your convenience.

What is Typhoid

This is an illness associated with fever caused by Salmonella bacteria. The bacteria are deposited in water or food by a human carrier and are then spread to other people in the area.

The matter of typhoid fever in the United States has been decreased since the early 1900s when tens of thousands of cases were reported in the U.S. Today, less than 400 cases are reported annually in the country. This occurred in people who have recently traveled to Mexico and South America. This improvement has come from better environmental sanitation. However, in India, Pakistan, and Egypt are still known as high-risk areas for developing this disease.

The reason people get Typhoid

Typhoid fever is spread by drinking or eating the bacteria in contaminated food or water. People with this illness can contaminate the surrounding water supply through stool, which contains a huge part of the bacteria. Pollution of the water supply can taint the food supply. The bacteria can survive for weeks in water or in the sewage that has dried out.

From 3% to 5% of people become carriers of the Typhoid bacteria after they have suffered from this illness. These people become long-term carriers of the bacteria, even though they have no symptoms anymore and become the source of new outbreaks of typhoid fever for several years.

Symptoms of Typhoid Fever

The period of incubation of the disease is usually from 1 to 2 weeks, and the duration of the illness is about 3 to 4 weeks. The symptoms are,

  • Headaches
  • Poor appetite
  • Lethargy
  • Diarrhea
  • Severe aches and pains
  • Fever can get high as 104 degrees Fahrenheit

There can be congestion inside the chest and it can develop in many people, and abdominal pain and discomfort which are common. The fever becomes constant and with proper treatment, you can notice an improvement in the third and fourth week but only in those who have no complications. About 10% of people have the same symptoms as mentioned earlier after feeling better for one to two weeks.

Risk factors of Typhoid

Risk factors of Typhoid

Typhoid causes in adults for so many reasons, and they are,

  • Typhoid fever is a serious worldwide threat especially in the developing world and it is affecting an estimated 26 million or more people each year.
  • Children are at greatest risk of getting the disease, although they generally have milder symptoms than the adults.

You’re at increased risk if you:

  • Work in or travel to places where typhoid fever is rife
  • If you work as a clinical microbiologist where you have to handle Salmonella typhi bacteria
  • If you have close contact with someone who is infected with this disease or has recently been infected with typhoid
  • Also if you drink water contaminated by sewage that contains the bacteria Salmonella typhi

The diagnosis of Typhoid

After the eating or drinking of contaminated food or water, the Salmonella bacteria goes through the small intestine and enter the bloodstream temporarily. The bacteria are carried by the white blood cells in the liver, spleen, and inside the bone marrow, where they multiply and reenter the stream of blood.

You can develop symptoms, such as fever at the start. Bacteria enters the gallbladder, biliary system, and the lymphatic tissue of the bowel. In this place, they multiply and the increase in numbers. The bacteria then pass into the intestinal tract and can be identified in stool samples. If a test result isn’t clear, blood or urine samples will be taken by your doctor.

The treatment of Typhoid

treatment of Typhoid

  • The fever is treated with antibiotics which kill the Salmonella bacteria. You will get to see the improvement within 10 days.
  • For those who become chronically ill, can be treated with prolonged antibiotics. Also, for those traveling to high-risk areas, vaccines, they can get vaccines.

There are also some other ways this disease can be prevented and they are,

  • Drink water:You have to drink plenty of water throughout the day, and if your kid is infected then you have to make sure they drink a good amount of fluid. This is the best way to get a resolution from this disease. You must remember, that you must not consume hot or too cold drinks like caffeine, carbonated beverages and stay away from alcohol. Also, you have to provide commercial water purifier, which will be the best option in case of Typhoid.
  • You have to wash your hands before eating something. Also, if you are traveling somewhere, you should wash your hands properly there.
  • You must eat peeled fruits
  • You need to avoid salads, raw fish, and uncooked vegetables. Also, you must avoid eating eggs that are left open for a long time. This can be the cause of salmonella bacteria grow on it.
  • Make sure that the food is thoroughly cooked and serve them hot.
  • Ensure the water is purified or not, and if you don’t get a purifier, you must boil it and drink.
  • You must avoid street food, which can carry so many waterborne diseases.
  • Travelers must learn about Typhoid before visiting a country where this disease is prevalent and its recommended to get a vaccine.

The vaccine

There are currently Typhoid vaccines available in the health centers. You can take a shot of the same, and the disease will be at bay.

Check out the above-mentioned details on Typhoid and you will understand it’s symptoms and realize that eating fresh food and drinking purified is the proper way to prevent the disease.

About Editor

I'm a professional blogger, marketer, and entrepreneur. I'm Passionate for writing and focusing on the informative article about Technology, SEO, digital marketing and many more.

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