Hospice – A Life-Changing Gift

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By Jaylin

Death is inevitable. However, there are some people who have to leave this world and their loved ones without even getting a chance to bid final adieu. This happens in case of sudden death such as caused by an accident or heart attack etc. In such situations, their near and dear ones do not get an opportunity to convey their final thoughts and feelings about the deceased.

The fact that all types of deaths are heartbreaking can certainly not be denied. However, when it is not sudden death, there is still some time for people to spend time with their loved ones. When a person is critically ill, they are usually not in the condition to meet their family and friends in a comfortable manner. The stress, pain, and fear of losing their life do not allow them to say a final goodbye to the world and its people. This is where hospice care comes into the picture.

It is basically a philosophical approach to providing care and support to patients who are nearing the end of their life. Apart from patients, their families are also included in a hospice plan. Hospice is centered on giving patients relief from the pain they suffer from. Furthermore, it also helps to manage symptoms of the illness along with providing them with emotional and spiritual care.

Simply put, hospice care is for patients who cannot be cured with regular treatment methods available in health care centers or hospitals. This type of care also doesn’t offer them a cure to their disease but it surely guarantees an improved quality of life for their remaining living days. It helps them to develop a positive outlook towards life despite their health condition.

Now the question arises, when is the right time for a patient to get hospice care. To answer this question, read below-mentioned signs a patient shows when they require hospice services:

  • The patient experiences increased pain and nausea.
  • They have to be repeatedly admitted to the hospital or ER.
  • They face difficulty in breathing and their symptoms worsen over time.
  • They are unable to perform their routine activities with ease.
  • Their health deteriorates so much that they require help for walking, dressing up, eating, and even toileting.
  • They become emotionally withdrawn and do not easily comprehend things.

If any of your loved ones show these signs, it is important to get them assessed by a physician and discuss the option and feasibility of hospice care. Remember the fact that a patient qualifies for this type of care when they have at least six months to live. If they exceed this period, they can continue to get this care.

The biggest benefit of hospice is that it helps to improve the patient’s life quality. They do not longer remain depressed all day long in their room. They, instead, accept the reality and become willing to spend more time in the company of their loved ones. In addition to that, this type of care also helps to prepare the family of the patient to face reality.

Since they know a loved one will be leaving them soon, they go through all sorts of feelings such as anxiety, stress, pain, fear, etc. These feelings can take a toll on their mental and physical health. With hospice care, they get therapy sessions that can help them to cope up with these feelings. Furthermore, along with the patient, they also get emotional care and support from hospice specialists, which further helps them to face these tough circumstances.

Another great thing about hospice is that the patient is in charge of whom they want to spend their remaining life. Moreover, it is also up to them to decide where they want to get this care arranged. For example, it can be arranged in the home of the patient or any other place they live i.e. nursing home or an assisted living facility.

Simply put, hospice can definitely prove to be a life-changing gift for the patient only if they get it from a reputed and reliable care center such as Good Heart Hospice & Palliative Care. It is one of the best hospice care centers in LA. They are open 24*7 and offer a range of services for patients and their families. So, don’t wait for any further and contact Good Heart Hospice & Palliative Care now for a free initial consultation.

About Jaylin

I'm a professional blogger, marketer, and entrepreneur. I'm Passionate for writing and focusing on the informative article about Fashion, Health, Beauty, Travel and many more.

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