The Importance of Facebook Reporting Tools for Advertising Campaign

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By safikul

Be sure your digital marketing campaigns will not be successful if you skip advertising on social networks. Simply, you can’t just create a website today and wait for Internet users to find you. On the contrary, you must come to them. If you take advantage of all the positive sides of Facebook advertising, the benefits to your business will be multiple.

The first step is to create an advertising strategy for Facebook. The successful strategy is adapted to each social network separately, and find out some of the main differences here. Then, the advice is to monitor and perceive ad performances, and the results it brings. If the results are missing or weak, it means that you haven’t done something right.

For optimizing your Facebook ad, you can use many tools that will help you with your advertising strategy. Some of them are free, but you won’t regret it if you pay for some of them. Each of these tools is useful for your advertising campaign, measuring various performances of your Facebook ad.

Why Advertise on Facebook

Social network promotion (as part of the digital marketing strategy) is of great importance; especially for those who are just starting out with the business. The market is overcrowded, and you just have to make the right moves to ensure your position there.

It is not enough to just create a web page and update it from time to time. Facebook has reduced the reach of posts. It means that a smaller number of users see your content, even though your page has many fans and followers.

Facebook now charges additional reach – you have to pay for advertising space. And that’s legit. You use their platform to promote your brand, product, or company, and you have to pay for it. It’s up to you to create an attractive advertisement, high-quality content, and a noticeable message to gain the audience. Right moves in advertising strategy can bring free promotion of your page. Until then, paid Facebook ads will do.

Facebook Targeting

Advertising on Facebook does not cost much, but it can bring you a lot. The positive side is that this platform offers the best targeting (choice of target group) than anywhere else on the Internet. They have the most data about their users, and it’s absolutely legal to use it for marketing purpose. Using various types of parameters, anyone can get to the audience.

You can view an infographic of these parameters on this link:

Use Reporting Tools to Analyze Facebook Advertising Strategy

You designed a strategy, hired a creative team and an expert for Facebook advertising, and finally placed your ad online. You seem to have done everything right, but the results are missing. Perhaps you have set the wrong campaign goal in the very beginning, or you addressed your ad to the wrong target group. Maybe the problem is in the advertisement itself, which for some reason is not attractive to users.
Facebook reporting tools are useful to check the performance of your ad and the overall marketing campaign for social media. You can collect, analyze, and use all Facebook advertising information for the improvement of your strategy. With the help of these tools, you can find out more about your audience (and maybe see a targeting error), see how they involve with your ad, track your campaign’s flow, and so on.

Check the Users’ Engagement

Users’ Engagement

For every Facebook page you create, you can see the statistic about how users interact with it. With appropriate tools, you can check the number of views, likes, mentions, how long visitors stayed on the page, as well as the interaction of the users with the page content. You can get an insight into how much you’ve managed to attract the attention of the user and to what extent it influenced the increase in organic traffic to your website.

Everything you have on your Facebook page is prone to analyzing. If you have video content, you can check for how long users watched it. For every single URL on your page, you can see how many clicks it had and how many visitors got to your website. Every ‘call-to-action’ button has its own statistic.

Analysis of Social ROI

When you are thinking about how much time and resources you should invest in Facebook advertising, set realistic criteria. You’ll need them to measure the cost-effectiveness of your campaign. Experts call that social return on investment (ROI). You need to look at what social network advertising can bring you in the long run. Profit matters, but if you want to stay on the market for a long time, you should have an open mind.

Social ROI estimates whether the funds invested in the advertising campaign reached the goal (more website visitors, posts boosting, page promotion, etc.). Also, Facebook reporting tools check how much traffic to your website is paid and how much organic. You will know that your campaign is successful when this second digit is high. This means that the visitor’s interaction with your URL shows results.
Track Conversion

The number of visits is the first benchmark for Facebook. One more important parameter is conversion, that is, how much is the set campaign target is actually achieved. Conversion for most web pages is determined by sales. But don’t rely just on that. For example, more newsletters can be goal too; this action will eventually lead to an actual sale. Also, the purpose of the conversion can be the number of queries the users send about your product or company.

Investment in advertising on social networks doesn’t have to be high, but it can bring numerous benefits, not just as a profit. Facebook is a channel of communication and building relationships with people, i.e., potential clients and consumers. Initial investment pays off when it results in creating a good reputation, expanding the audience, increasing sales, and finally, profits. And you have all the freedom to use Facebook tools to achieve these goals.

About safikul

Safikul Islam is a professional Software Engineer with vast experience in research and development field. Presently, He Works for eLiveStory. He also has a strong passion for writing creative blogs and articles about fashion, new technology,Jewelry and following the latest trends in these areas.

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