Back To School Necklace: Unsettling Trend That Parents Must Know

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By Sarah Jay

It’s common to hear talk about everything back to school including back to school necklace as the summer begins to wind down. At this time of year, it’s typical to hear about many activities, including shopping. After all, picking out the beginning of the academic clothes and accessories at the store is fun both for kids and parents.

However, it’s crucial to realize that if you hear students talking about back-to-school necklaces, they’re not referring to a brand-new, adorable accessory. Instead, it’s a disturbing statement that you may hear in a discussion or come across on social media, despite the fact that it doesn’t initially sound scary but it is a scary term. Consequently, what precisely is really a back-to-school necklace? Let’s discuss this in this article.

What is back to school necklace?


A depiction of a back to school necklace is “a different term for a noose. This is a result of the complete feelings of sadness you experience when classes resume.”

How do students use it?

The following are some instances of its use: “I’m preparing to purchase my back-to-school necklace.” “I’m excited to buy a back-to-school necklace,” “I’ve been considering getting a back-to-school necklace,” I absolutely can not wait to sport my back-to-school necklace, “That necklace is calling to me,” etc. Of course, all these are said in a sarcastic way.

What does it mean?

A back to school necklace is essentially a cry for help because it is a code for hanging death, even if it may seem innocent to those who are unaware of its true meaning.

However, once parents are informed about this word, they are more equipped to assist.

Memes about back-to-school necklaces

Back to school necklaces is a popular trend among young people, and you can find memes and hashtags related to them on social media.

In the most popular back-to-school necklace meme, images of a noose that appeared in an image search by Google for the phrase are displayed.

How should parents approach their kids about this phrase?

If you’re unsure about how to discuss this, put your kid in charge of the dialogue. Begin by asking, “Do you know anything at all about back-to-school necklaces? I heard about them.

An honest exchange of ideas is always advantageous. It’s crucial to never pass judgment so that your youngster feels free to express their emotions.

Even the simple act of checking in can be quite helpful. Guardians must feel empowered to discuss general mental health with their children.

Share personal anecdotes regarding your sentiments at the beginning of each school year, particularly if you experienced dread as a child. Tell them you’ll support them while they process their emotions and, if necessary, will obtain their professional assistance.

Why is there such anxiety as students get closer to the start of the school year?

It makes sense that students feel anxious as they get ready to return to class after the summer holiday and get used to a new schedule. There are many reasons why going back to school may feel overwhelming.

Some pupils find it difficult to adjust to ideas of a new high school, teacher, schedule, etc. Students are switching from a laid-back schedule and early mornings to busy days.

For students, these challenges can seem insurmountable. In 2019, more than one-third of high school pupils reported ongoing despair or hopelessness, a 40% rise from 2009.

It can be a mixture of age and how socializing has been in the past two years.

What are some red flags that parents should watch out for?

There is a good possibility that someone who uses this expression is having mental health issues.

Staying alone, acting withdrawn, mood swings, crying easily and frequently, sleeping more often than regular, sleep disturbances, a deficit of interest in the subject they used to love, giving away possessions, and overall a change in behavior are all indications that your child may be seriously considering suicide or that they are using this term as a cry for help.

Even if you haven’t heard your child say it, they might use it on their phones. They could utilize texting or social media to access it.

Parents must keep an eye on their children’s use of technology. Look for warning indicators in your kids, particularly youngsters to adolescent age, as students of every age may be employing this phrase back to school necklace and feeling this way.

What should kids know about the phrase when they use or hear it among friends?

The seriousness of utilizing this statement should be made clear to students. It is unacceptable to make jokes about hurting or even killing oneself. If they are really experiencing these emotions, they shouldn’t be ashamed to ask for assistance. Even when their friend advises them not to, students should inform an adult if they hear or observe their pals using this statement.

Even if they believe it to be a joke. I’d advise you to teach your kids about this so that they may bring it up with the teachers if they hear their classmates using it.

How to promote the mental health of your child?

For children, juggling academic and psychological health can be challenging, particularly in the start of the academic year. Here are some suggestions for preventing child and adolescent depression during the academic year:

  • Take a stroll outside. Even though it may seem like the last sort of stuff they wish to do, taking your child for a short stroll can lift their spirits.
  • Set attainable objectives. Your youngster probably has a lot on their mind when school starts. Encourage them to set attainable goals in order to maintain organization.
  • Create a journal entry. It’s possible that your child struggles to articulate their emotions. They could start to comprehend their emotions with the use of a notebook.
  • Establish a routine. The motivation of your child may be impacted by depression. Your child might be more productive if you establish a daily schedule.

Which support systems are suggested?

The first line of defense for their children can be their parents. Spend some time together with their adolescent engaging in shared activities, supervising their teenager to encourage healthy decision-making, and being connected with the school by volunteering or maintaining regular contact with instructors and administration.


In the end, knowledge has power, and understanding that back to school necklace is a problem that affects many kids and teenagers allows parents to be more conscious and seek out more assistance.


  • What is back to school necklace?

If you hear a young person talking about buying a back-to-school necklace, it could be another way of referring to suicide. While Gen Z’s dark humor may be to blame for this, it’s still important to take it seriously.

  • When was it first used?

No one exactly knows when was it first but recently it has gained popularity.

  • Who uses this term?

School-going children from a young age to high school-going students use this term.

  • Why do people use it?

There are two reasons for using these phrases. This generation uses this as a joke or it could be something serious and used as a hint.

  • Is this a concern?

This is a major concern even when used as a joke as the phrase is used to mean suicide. Parents and teachers must take strict action when they hear this as young students could lose their life.

About Sarah Jay

Sarah is a professional blogger and content writer. She loves to share her different ideas and thoughts by blogging. She is very enthusiastic about traveling and fashion.

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