4 Ways to Prevent Your Site from Aging

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By safikul

Getting old in the eCommerce industry with massive success stories at your end affirms your reliability and authority. However, you cannot afford your business site getting old by every passing day. You need to keep it young and attractive for ages. This is how you can keep winning huge profits.

Your web design reflects your corporate identity. So, keep it updated with the best-in-class visual elements and latest UX/UI trends. Even an excellently revamped site may not bring you desired results because of something troublesome at the back end. Typically, business owners have no clue about it.

As you see decline in conversion rate of your website, then the most evident reason is its old design, data junk, content crowding and outdated functions. Gets professional support from a reputable web design agency, London to remove defective elements from your website; making it young all over again with the potential of capturing more business and profits.

Here are the best ways to fix the problems that drive your site’s architecture to age and hence depleted revenues.

1. Remove Content Crowding:

Too much content on web pages leaves a negative impact on their loading speeds. It often makes call-to-action buttons unclear; troubling the visitors in taking action you want them to pursue.

Put all important content – textual to visual above the fold and right in front of the site visitor. Large headers usually hide the content; say your business USP. Likewise, pop-ups and banner or interrupt ads affect the user experience as the majority of the people dislike any interruption. Remove all such disturbing elements from your web design.

2. Keep your Database Updated:

Data junk plays an integral role in aging your website. It means if you don’t get rid of old, useless data and dead files, they will disrupt the web interface. They consume the website space that you need to free up for new data entries without disturbing site’s bandwidth.

For this, you can take help of expert web development company UK but keep remember, must discard the data junk and throw abandoned content away to ensure website performance sustainability. It will help to enhance your site’s lifespan.

3. Fix Broken/Defective Links:

External or internal, problematic links deteriorate the UX/UI structure of the website. 404 errors, usually the result of broken links, is lethal to your business growth and development. Find and fix all such problems as soon as possible.

If you don’t want to disappear from the competition, pay attention to broken links and figure out the solutions. If you cannot fix the problem, then better erase the link instead people click on the link and get 404 error. It’s one of the most irritating things for online users.

4. Keep Updating your CMS:

An outdated CMS speeds up the site’s aging process. Obsolete features, front end or back end, obstructs the user experience. Eventually, it impedes the website performance exhibiting neglected presentation and depleted production.

In a nutshell, your website should appear young and impressive backed by updated features and functionalities ensuring exponential business growth. Find the loopholes in your site’s UX/UI framework and resolve them with the soonest possibility to avoid its aging process – necessary for improved conversions.

About safikul

Safikul Islam is a professional Software Engineer with vast experience in research and development field. Presently, He Works for eLiveStory. He also has a strong passion for writing creative blogs and articles about fashion, new technology,Jewelry and following the latest trends in these areas.

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